
The Heart of Georgia Veggies page was started on December 7, 2013, as a resource for vegetarian and vegan living. The site provides information and reflections for seasoned vegetarians/vegans and those simply interested in the lifestyle in the middle/central Georgia area. We recognize that everyone is at different points in their lives and following different paths. The goal of the Heart of Georgia Veggies page is to provide a place where the veg* curious, vegetarians, vegans, and others can collaborate on resources in the Heart of Georgia.
We understand that there are numerous reasons and causes that lead to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle choice, and we are open to all points of view. 
We believe that choosing vegetarian foods is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, the environment, and for animals.   Replacing animal foods with plant foods reduces the animal suffering and environmental destruction that result from modern animal agriculture.  It is a meaningful way to help make a better world and to feel good about how we live our lives. At the same time, we remove foods that have been linked with serious health problems, and replace them with beneficial plant foods that contribute to good health. We also recognize people need support in making these transitions and not everyone will have the same transition. It is our hope that we will provide information and grow a community of veggies in the Heart of Georgia.


This blog does not receive any financial support; therefore, any company, product, organization, or any item mentioned is an unbiased review/opinion and is not a paid review/opinion. If a sample or materials (be them funds, items or anything else worth any monetary amount) are provided then a full disclosure will be included in the post. Links to other sites are provided for information only — they do not constitute endorsements of those other sites.
Most of the posts on this blog pertain to vegetarian, vegan, healthy lifestyle, restaurant reviews, technology, news, and other topics; however, for the rare instances when there are post on a medical topic please note the authors are not a physician, nurse, therapist, or any other type of healthcare provider. We post opinions and information only. The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Please consult your healthcare provider regarding medical questions or issues.
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We respect your privacy. If you email us directly it will be kept private unless you request it is posted in the comments section or in a post. Comments do require approval before being posted to remove any spam (spam comments are not tolerated and will be deleted). Please note by posting a comment you are agreeing to have it displayed on this website which is able to be viewed by anyone. Additionally, please keep in mind comments from readers may or may not represent the authors' views.
We work very hard to honor other’s copyrighted material and request you do the same for the authors. If something on this blog was posted that is your original copyrighted work and you did not give permission (either via creative commons or any other arrangement) then we sincerely apologize and will remove it upon request. We ask the same from anyone linking, quoting, or borrowing from our website. You are allowed to link to, quote, or refer to any item on this website provided you credit the original author. Full posts cannot be reused, reposted, etc. without the explicit approval of the owners of this blog. Please contact us before reposting full length posts on your website, blog, or any other location. With all of this being said, we really do believe in open access provided credit is given where credit is due.

A Final Note:
The opinions expressed here are not approved, reviewed, acknowledged nor do they represent those of the current, previous, or future employer(s) of the authors.  All posts on this blog are done independent of our jobs and are not done during work. Basically the views on this blog are the authors' own and this blog is our responsibility. The above information is subject to change if it becomes necessary to add stricter legalese.

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