Sunday, January 5, 2014

Veggie Gifts

It's a new year, and yet I haven't posted about Christmas!

We traveled to visit family, all of us loaded into the car....then over the hills and through the woods to Nana and PawPaw's house...

They had more space but wanted to be near each other...

I could talk about all of the yummy food we ate (Food coma!) ... and I will, believe me I will, but later in more detailed posts! For now, I would like to talk about a few of the veggie/green type gifts we received. I'm not going to highlight everything, just a couple of items. 

For some of our gifts with family and friends we simply donated to each person's favorite charity. I must admit at times it felt weird not rushing to do tons of shopping, but also kind of nice at the same time. It was also great to know we were giving to others in need. We also opted to keep it simple and exchange ornaments with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who got us this awesome ornament to add to our tree:

An excellent addition to our tree from my brother-in-law & sister-in-law

Of course, what Christmas would be complete without giving the librarian a book or two:

A gift from my mother-in-law

I have heard The Art of Racing in the Rain (Have I mentioned I'm now obsessed with Good Reads?!?) is an excellent life changing book. I will have to post a review... once I get around to reading it.


A gift from our friend & fellow veggie, Denise

I think Jonathan will get more use out of these books... although I will get to enjoy the delicious food he creates with them!

For this item, I will get the most use of it:


A gift from my Dad, who always reminds me to take in my reusable bags. 

The neat thing is this bag was of course made using an old pet food bag, but it was also made by someone local. Recycling, local, reusable, and cute!

So these were just a few veggie/green items we received this Christmas. Of course, this isn't just the season of receiving... it is the season of giving and spending time with family & friends...

And food... more post to come about all the yummy food!

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